New WIP, new washing machine
Slippery Socks, by Olivia M, from the Winter 07 Knitty. So far a fun, easy knit. :)

Our washing machine broke a little over a week ago and Brent enjoyed the box even more than we're enjoying the new washer.

"Mamom, where's Gigi??"

"Oh, there it is!" (Yes, I say "there she is" but he's sticking to 'it'. Just like he stuck to 'baby in da trash' for a couple of weeks after she was born.

That's so funny.... He's adorable. :) He looks so energetic. It's amazing what kids can find to amuse themselves with, isn't it (I have a 2-year-old nephew; his current improv-plaything is sticks)?
I had plans once to just give the boxes for holidays and save the toys for later. I never carried them out though. LOL
I love Brent's name. I was going to name my son Brent, till it was pointed out to me that our last name started with a br as well and brent br... sounded odd. LOL He is Sam now.
I just got a new washer too, but I have no monkey boys to enjoy the box so the drivers just took it away. I have knit Jaywalkers, and they are some of my favorites.
They look like they're having so much fun there with the big box. So cool how kids can turn anything into a toy.
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