
Monday, December 04, 2006

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

And boy does it keep us busy. I haven't finished a thing since Helen's 3rd lily a few weeks ago. I've lost Deana's ragdoll WIP. But I'm making fairly speedy progress (for me) on a Devan out of this denimy pink & purple colorway of Sockotta. I'm crazy about how it looks. Wish it were mine. ;)

Thanksgiving was one of the most beautiful days in my recent memory, weatherwise. We spent it in Buchanan Dam with my inlaws and several other family members on Will's side of the family. The meals were half Cooper's, half Gail's, and all delicious. We got to meet some more cousins of Brent's: Ethan, 4, and Leah, 2. Brent got to open some early Christmas gifts. We climbed Enchanted Rock, which is described as "a fairly easy climb;" yeah, I thought I was dying. And Will was the one who had to do it with Brent on his hip.

I couldn't find Ana's camera to take with me but am supposed to be getting emailed photos from Aunt Dianne. I'll post some soon if there was anything worth sharing.

Christmas is going to find us in the Valley to visit mom and my side of the family. Will cry if I forget the camera this time.


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