14 weeks pregnant and starting to feel slightly more human again, though still exhausted from the battle, hehehe. The "Baby-a-Long" is up to 15 pages now - whee! http://knittyboard.com/viewtopic.php?t=1504 Warning: we've already been chastised for too much upchuck-talk.
My Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law were here yesterday afternoon and straightened up our den for us. It was a little stressful for me while they were here, but it was a big and generous favor, not to mention a monumental task. Our whole family is clutterers, and this room was taking the full brunt of it, because more than half of our living space has been nothing but a construction zone for months. Now that I see the room clean and organized again, I realize how bad it had really gotten, and I'm ashamed. I told Ana last night, "I feel like we were living in a trash compactor that was closing in on us." What do you do to say thank you for a favor like this one? I'm thinking Booga Bags!
In other news, still trying to get completely over the cold Ana gave me. Evil Ana.
And the BIG news!! An FO! I finished the hat for my friend Paul. (Gotta celebrate even the easy ones.) Pictures to come. I have to launder it for him; I promised no cat hair. Anyway, yes... my knitting mojo is finally back! Next up, finishing my grandmother's coronet shouldn't be more than a couple of evening's work, if I really buckle down. And yes, the SP bag. I wonder when her birthday is... hehehe.