
Friday, October 29, 2004

I have been commanded to update my blog, so here goes... (This one's for you, Jo.)

It has been a shamefully long time! What can I say except that I get into lazy moods? Luckily, this latest lazy stretch, while it has seen both my e-mail inbox and my kitchen sink get rather backlogged, hasn't affected my knitting much.

Still, I haven't brought myself to finish my Soho turtle. I tried the other night! and wasn't able to get the crocheted cuff to look right. It curls outward no matter what stitch I use. The curl seems to me to be beyond even blocking to cure. :( Not sure what I will decide to do about it. For now, it is sitting in a pile and being ignored. Any suggestions will be gratefully pondered.

I finished my first felted project ever yesterday! Click on the kitty bed link to the right to see it -- I think it's rather FAB, myself. I will be packaging it up and mailing it off to for their November Adopt-a-Senior-Kitty drive. I hope it makes some deserving little older kitty very happy.

The eclipse tonight was breath-taking. I was so busy when it happened that Will had to force me to put down the Halloween shirt I was working on. He took me by the hand and led me outside with the digital camera. Once I was out there, standing open-mouthed and grinning, he went back in for the dogs. Standing out there with his arm around my waist and my sweet dogs being so well-behaved on their leashes, the weather so perfect and the near-full moon in that rare, smokey-red state... it was one of those perfectly content moments.

I continue to pray that recent fertility treatments might mean that I am full of happy thoughts because my belly is full of baby! and not just that the hormone pills are making me loopy, hee hee.

Still, God Bless us all. :)

Thursday, October 07, 2004

So I finished the Ball!! This little thing is so FUN! I'm sure I'll get tired of playing with it soon, but for now I'm happy to be "easily amused" as Ana would say. This toy-making thing is really agreeing with me. But I promisepromisepromise I'm going to at least cast on the baby kimono before I start another toy! (Although I did get some yarn in the mail yesterday that will be perfect for that cute little tortoise...)

I also got through almost the whole crown of my newly remodeled Sniper Cozy (now knit rather than crocheted.) It seems that a sick day provides lots of time for productivity, though knitting sick also made my increases a little crooked-y on the hat cause I kinda kept forgetting to DO them. Oh well. Hope my intended solider-boy appreciates the effort more than the workmanship...

On a sidenote, a word of hard-earned wisdom: don't ever mix prometrium and vicadin. Barforama.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Finishing, schminishing... bah. My number of WIPs has swelled to half a dozen in the last couple of weeks. Of those 6, 3 just need to be 'finished.'

1) The Ball with Bell is ready for stuffing. We need to buy a cat toy to put in the middle of it, as a regular jingle bell seems to be muffled by the press of batting around it and I *insist* my ball be maximally jingly. I mean, otherwise what's the point??
2) My Secret Pal project has been draped over one corner of my desk for weeks now, just waiting to be **edit: security level breached**
3) And finally, my labor of love, my Soho turtle is fully assembled, and requires only a neck and a TON of end-hiding. Saint Ana is offering to help me with that. I'm trying to remember who it was that offered to hide ends for me once. Bina, maybe? Anyway, I'm VERY happy with the results, for my first major garment attempt. It doesn't fit perfectly -- the body is really, really wide and the sleeves are a bit long -- but it looks proportional and well-made. No strange angles or bumps anywhere: success!! Since I like to wear my clothes baggy, much to the consternation of my more fashion-conscious friends, the over sizing is not a major issue. I'm thrilled!! ...about everything except the ends I need to hide. Grumble.

Still, here I am taking on new projects right and left. I stole the Hallowig Ana cast on and adopted it as my own. I would have cast on my Debbie Bliss kimono tonight except that I frogged my Sniper Cozy and restarted that instead (I was in the mood for a challenge, and Ana wanted to teach me how to cast onto the DPNs -- what a trip!) I've promised yet another hat to a dear friend, who promised a hat or something in return -- woo hoo! And I'm itching to start a new toy...

Addiction is such an ugly thing. Good thing for us yarn and needles are so darned purty! (Don't I have 11 balls of EasyCare Merino due in the mail anyday now?? Jonesing, jonesing...)

Friday, October 01, 2004

Almost done with Soho turtle. Really. Started a hallowig. Orange. Seaming my ballsack is more fun.