Flashed My Stash!
Days late... oh well. This is what my stash looked like before I started:


Pretty messy! Thank God it's Ana's room. ;) Oh, and that tub of gorgeous handpainted, handspun purple&blue on the floor isn't mine. Ana won't give it up, after having spent literally years spinning it, and is planning a cardi for herself. (Good for her!) I claimed the leftovers though!!
So, I took everything done and started organizing. (Photo below) First, starting with the baggie on the top left, we have a bag containing gray and navy balls of Woolease, probably destined to become something for Tick, sitting atop a whole buncha leftover scraps of Ceci-colored FunFur and Boa stuff from the Kitty Pi bed I made. What in the world am I gonna do with THAT? Below that baggie is a smaller baggie containing 2 balls of yummy cotton/rayon blend boucle that Monkee gifted me with. She shall be repaid. ;) To the right of that, the Echo cotton stash from Wendi. Sooo nice. In the little plastic tube is a KnitWits hat kit I paid way too much for and haven't been able to start on because the needles I need are in my kimono. But ohhh, will it ever look cute on Tick! Below that, one ball of boring colored TLC hiding amongst much wonderful sock yarn. See my Regia silk? Habsgirl gave it to me as my SPII. Can't wait to feel it on my needles!

Next, more Ceci colors. The tub is full of elann.com's entire stock of variegated pink Kroy sock yarn, as well as more delicious SPII yarn, and much leftover Mission Falls 1824 cotton from my sweater. Below that, a couple of WIP's: a fuzzy red acrylic becoming a Red Scarf Project donation, and two different colors of Sugar'n'Cream cotton becoming a short-sleeved top for moi! The small, glossy skeins on the right are Rowan from the clearance bin in San Antonio's Yarn Barn (there are 2 on the floor that didn't make it into the photo); I was going to make myself a multi-colored top, but a swatch didn't pass my washability standards, so it's stashed now. Will probably get swapped.

And last, but far from least, just LOOK at how pretty these goodies are. :) The pink and blue at the top is again, from SPII's sweetest, most thoughtful pal, Habsgirl. For baby clothes! On the left is a splurge buy of RedBarn Heirloom wool which I have no clue what to make out of, but it feels SO GOOD knitting up. I'm using 2 balls of it for my grandmother's Coronet, held doublestranded. On the right is a big wad of All Season Cotton which was, again, an elann.com splurge and vaguely intended for a multi-colored top. The yarn is so slick the balls won't hold their shape no matter what I do and will probably all end up in center-pull Ziplocs. I can't wait to see how that slickness feels in a fabric though. And lo! In front is the ONE ball of the purple/blue beauteous Ana-handspun I managed to claim. Isn't it lovely?? It's not enough for... anything. But I pet it and love it and call it George. :)

And that's it. But wait!! What good came of this Flashing? LOOK at how organized and tidy my stash looked when I finished:

That's all of it! ...I think.