Two FOs in one dayThe Devan I've been working on for over a year is finally done! To be fair to Holli Yeoh, it's more properly called a FrankenDevan. I followed the pattern in the most haphazard, keep-changing-sizes fashion ever until the sleeves, which I completely freestyled because the body is so misshapen that properly made sleeves wouldn't fit, and then I added all the ribbing on the edges. Still, it's done, I worked my bum off on it, and I love it. And the baby won't complain! (If it ever fits...)

And the golf club cover I promised my father-in-law for Christmas, hehehe. I started it and then promptly went into no-energy, morning sickness hell. And I feel really dumb for having let it sit for so long because I picked it up this afternoon when I was done with the Devan, and finished the whole thing, seaming and end-hiding included, in one evening. I hope the poor man didn't already give up waiting and just buy himself a cover for that 7 club.
Surgery Fundraiser UpdateWonderful news! My father gave us his tax refund, one of the emergency clinics refunded us several hundred dollars worth of overcharge, and our bank accounts are really looking much better than I had feared. So, I think that no radical destashing will be called for -- yay!!