
Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Into the 7th week of pregnancy now... All's going well, especially for my morning-sickness-lovin' doctor, who's happy as can be with my growing misery! But seriously, it's not been that bad. In fact, baby is implanted as perfectly as can be, was bigger than expected at the 5-wk ultrasound, and had a visible heartbeat at the 6-wk ultrasound, almost a week early!

I just wish my knitting mojo would come back. There are so many cute baby things, so little time. (Not to mention a poor, forlorn Secret Pal STILL waiting for the project that was perhaps over-ambitiously planned as her final gift. It's soooo close to done.) I understand that most of the exhaustion and stomach troubles should pass at the end of the first trimester, so maybe I'll just spend my time until then deciding which baby projects to make in what order.

More preggers chatter at where is currently a memebership of 3 in the Summer Babies '05 Club! :)

Friday, November 12, 2004

Good news from the doctor today, and one of those cute black & white ultrasound pictures with what looks like a raisin in the middle of it. hee hee! It's early, still, so nothing is certain, but things are looking good so far! I *really* need to start that baby kimono now. :p

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

11/1 - HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY to my darling mom! She makes 60 look GOOD. ;)

I boxed up and mailed off today the Kitty Pi Bed I was making for -- check out the link to the right; it really looked adorable. I hope that it will keep some senior kitty warm and stylin' in a new forever-home. :) The bed was a quick, easy project and what a satisfying result for a satisfying cause! I'm definitely going to be making more of them: for my family's cats and small dogs, for friends' pets, for my local shelter...

November is Adopt A Senior Pet month at! Make room in your heart for an older pet. Puppies and kittens are oh so cute, but teach your children that seniors are worth loving too, and see how they love you when you become one yourself!