Mystery Toy?
So, I'm strolling by and notice this random object in Brent's spiral toy:

Not unusual. He'll stuff anything that fits into that thing. He loves that thing. You should have seen the joy when he realized his stash of plastic Easter eggs were perfect for it. Look closer though...

Hunh. That's one of the balls of scrap yarn I'm using for my turtle toy. I guess I woulda missed it eventually.
Knitting update:
I bought the zipper for the Cecilia sweater but haven't installed it yet. I haven't gotten around to felting my booga bag, nor have I laundered and delivered the Seton blanket. Horrible.
I started on Mamash's novelty wrap, but quickly gave up. That yarn seems to have an anti-needle reverse magnetic field! It was taking me more than a minute per stitch! Ana agrees that the railroad ribbon on the giant needles is a PITA, but she's actually capable of it, so she took over that particular project. She says that continental knitters seem to struggle more with that railroad stuff. Is that true or is she trying to make me feel better?
To assuage my self-esteem, I started making pieces for a Fiona McTague stuffed turtle. It's quick going and I think it's going to be adorable; so in other words, I'm having fun, which is probably why I've abandoned my other, so-close-to-done projects! Oh well, knitters do these things, right?