
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Ok, so it's been over a MONTH since my last post. Is anyone even still checking??

I added an FO since my last post -- my SP finally has a bag headed her way in the mail! (oh pleasepleaseplease Mr. Postman, don't lose it) -- though in all honesty and fairness, Ana did every little bit of the finishing work on it. All I did was drive it to the post office. I hope she likes it. :)

On needles now, I still have my Soho Turtle, but I've picked up the stitches around the neck, done the decreases, and am ribbing up toward FO'ness now. Shouldn't take much longer. :) Then.. hiding ends. Ugh. I may never do stripes again. Though, I have to admit, the sweater taught me to hide my ends as I go along. Hiding one or two at a time isn't bad at all, but that Soho must have had a hundred all told. I think the sucker would actually be done by now except that it's too big to comfortably carry around, so I work on it in limited blocks of times.

Also, still working on Mother's coronet. The band is completed, and in a fit of headachey helplessness, I begged Ana into grafting the ends together for me. Lesson learned: next time, ask how to do a provisional cast-on rather than just plow through. I wonder if a cable band like this is knit-in-the-roundable?

I finally cast on and got my Debbie Bliss baby kimono started. This Echo cotton knits up SO beautifully, feels great when I work on it, and the colorways Wendy sent were a devil to choose between. :) I'll get photos posted ASAP. This is my first WIP to force me to use size 1 and 2 needles to get gauge. SO TINY. I'm used to it now, though. Not so bad. I doubt I could work on anything much smaller though, cause do they MAKE needles smaller that aren't slippery metal??

And lastly, I cast on a red scarf last night for the Red Scarf Project at It's a wonderful project for a great cause, and a fun blog to browse through. :) I'm using a variant of the crossover pattern I learned on Knitty Gritty's scarf episode which can be found on (though the pattern as they published it isn't easy to follow! beware.) I'm using a fuzzy red lightweight acrylic on size 8 needles and it's looking beautiful so far. :)

On the baby front, my belly is getting bigger daily! The baby first made movements felt a little over a week ago (on Sunday, Feb 13th) and hasn't stopped wiggling since. :) I can't wait til Will can feel it too. He wants to so badly.

Well, I will try to keep better caught up from now on (now that the house is looking a little cleaner and I'm feeling better), and I have plans to start posting internal photos for eye candy as well, instead of making you click links. Won't THAT be fun!?