Where Have I BEEN?!
I dunno! Out of my mind is all I can say... Well, the holidays were fun, but there were two separate bouts of colds that went around, and I've gone back to working part time. How do other moms handle all this? I'll try to be better about my blog though.
Knitting news: I've accomplished as close to nothing as you can get without swearing off the fiber altogether! hee hee. Since my last post, I have completed the sleeves of Lil B's kimono top. And that's it. And pictures of them? Pff! I'll get some when I get the thing seamed together and hogtie the munchkin so I can put it on him.
Baby news: Nearly 6 months old now and growing like a weed! My photos for the time being suit this theme: "When boys become men..." (Please note Reese's expression. It's classic.)